
The Degree Course provides assistance for carrying out training periods abroad,
For Erasmus outgoing mobility for study purposes, the selection notice is issued at the central level of the University by the International Relations Office, which annually prepares for each Department a list of grants available for each single study course or group of courses. of study based in the Department.
The selection is made by a commission appointed by the Director of the Department and made up of all the heads of the Erasmus agreements relating to the DICEA and the DIST (Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture).
The Commission draws up a ranking for each study course or group of study courses on the basis of the general criteria set out in the announcement (merit, linguistic competence and motivation), taking care of its publicity and transmission to the competent Offices. The offices collect the declarations of acceptance of the scholarships from the assignee students (countersigned by the teacher promoting the exchange), and the Learning Agreements (signed by the student, the promoter of the exchange and the Coordinator of the Academic Coordination Commission of the study program).

Once the previous phase has been completed, the minutes of the selection procedure, the final list of awarded scholarships, the declarations of acceptance and the Learning Agreements are sent to the International Relations Office of the University, which takes care of the signing of the Erasmus contract by the students. and provides for the transmission of the documentation (names of the assignees and related Learning Agreements) to the host organizations (universities or foreign partner companies / organizations / institutions).
Upon the student’s return, the International Relations Office transfers to the Department of Transcripts of Records showing the exams passed and the relative marks obtained during the period of study abroad. These results are, therefore, approved by the Didactic Coordination Commission, with the conversion to thirty of the grade obtained and the final acquisition, by the student, of the University Educational Credits. The list of agreements included in the last call is shown on the following pages.

For Erasmus incoming mobilities, the International Relations Office handles the transmission to the DICEA of the lists of incoming students together with their Learning Agreements, for subsequent approval and signing by the teacher promoting the exchange.
For the award of grants based on other international agreements (Erasmus-like procedure), the same procedures adopted for Erasmus are followed.

International mobility initiatives are also activated for carrying out internships and internships abroad, both in the Erasmus mobility for internships (Placement) context, in this case providing the student with a scholarship using the funds made available to the University by the Erasmus National Agency (limited, however, only to the EU countries participating in the Erasmus project), which in the context of other specific programs also valid for other non-EU countries (for example Vulcanus in Japan), always with a scholarship. It is also possible to carry out internships at foreign companies / bodies / institutions with which the University has stipulated an internship agreement following the normal procedure adopted for internships in Italy, in which case the student does not benefit from a scholarship, but can benefit from a small salary / reimbursement of expenses offered by the host company / institution / institution.
For Erasmus mobility for internships (Placement), the call for selection is issued one or more times a year at the central level of the University by the International Relations Office, which, similarly to the Erasmus-outgoing case, prepares a list of internships available for students of the CdS.

The selection is carried out by a Commission appointed by the Director of the Department, chaired by his Erasmus Delegate and composed of all promoters of the Erasmus placement agreements pertaining to DICEA. The Commission draws up a ranking based on the general criteria listed in the announcement (merit, specific skills required by the host organization, linguistic knowledge and motivation) and takes care of its advertising and transmission to the competent offices.
The Offices collect the declarations of acceptance of the scholarships by the assignees, countersigned by the teacher promoter of the exchange, and of the Training Agreements, signed by the student, by the promoter of the exchange and by the Coordinator of the Didactic Coordination Commission. Any grants not awarded due to non-acceptance by the students are reassigned according to the order of the ranking and follow the approval process of the Training Agreements outlined above.
The minutes of the selection procedure, the final list of internships accepted by the students and the Training Agreements are then sent to the University’s International Relations Office, which takes care of the signing of the Erasmus contract by the students and the transmission of the documentation to the host organizations. (foreign partner companies / organizations / institutions).

Upon the student’s return, the International Relations Office transfers to DICEA the certification of the completion of the internship, which is approved by the Didactic Coordination Commission, with the final acquisition, by the student, of the University Educational Credits.

The delegate for Erasmus activities is prof. Luigi Stendardo.

Erasmus page DICEA