We must prepare for our uncertain world and expect the unexpected, which is the opposite of resigning oneself to generalized skepticism. (…) A thought that isolates and separates should be replaced by a thought that distinguishes and unites. A disjunctive and reductive thought should be replaced by a thought of the complex in the original sense of the term “complexus”: what is woven together. (…) A thought that connects and faces uncertainty. The thought that interconnects will replace unilateral and unidirectional causality with a circular and multi-referential causality, will mitigate the rigidity of classical logic with a dialogic capable of conceiving at the same time complementary and antagonistic notions, will complete the knowledge of the integration of the parts into a whole with the recognition of the integration of the whole within the parts.
Edgar Morin
The five-year single-cycle Master’s Degree Course in Building Engineering-Architecture aims to train a professional profile of Engineer-Architect characterized by cultural and historical-critical awareness, by the mastery of design tools and techniques, by the knowledge of constructive and executive solutions. and management of works, with high skills in the fields of architecture, construction, and urban planning. The heritage of cultural and technical knowledge of the Construction Engineer-Architect is acquired in an organic didactic path, developed over five years without interruption, until the achievement of the master’s degree.
The course is limited in number and provides access to a maximum of one hundred students.
The teaching activity takes place at the Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences complex of the Federico II University of Naples. In addition to frontal teaching, theoretical and practical exercises are carried out as well as design workshops which favour teamwork and constant teacher-student interaction, also encouraged through tutoring activities. The training course involves the acquisition of three hundred University Educational Credits (CFU).
The Degree Course in Building Engineering-Architecture is structured according to the provisions and on the basis of the tasks set out in the University Statute. In particular, the activities of the Degree Course Council are coordinated by the Coordinator of the Didactic Commission (the name that replaced that of President, previously in force), with the support of the Didactic Commission and the Orientation Contact.
The role, duties and functions of both the Coordinator of the Commission for Didactic Coordination and the Commission for the Coordination of Didactics are established by the University Regulations for the regulation of the tasks and operating methods of the departmental bodies and the Election of the Director. of Department
I Year
Teacher: Schiattarella R.
Course: Mathematical analysis I
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: MAT / 05
Hours of lessons: 48
Practice hours: /
Educational objectives:
The course provides, at the same time, a cultural approach to the scientific method and a knowledge of the fundamental mathematical tools to tackle the technical and technological problems underlying designing and building for architecture from an analytical point of view.
Properties of the real field, absolute value, extremes of a numerical set. Function concept. Real functions of a real variable: compound, invertible, monotone, convex, concave functions. Extremes of a function, elementary functions. Limit concept with simple applications. Continuity. Fundamental properties of continuous functions. Definition of derivative and its geometric meaning. Simple applications of differential calculus to the study of graphs.
Teacher: Pascariello M.
Teaching: Drawing and geometry of forms
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Architectural Design I + Architecture Design Laboratory I
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 17
Hours of lessons: 80
Practice hours: 40
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims at the basic training of engineering students through the maturation of the geometric foundations of graphic models and the acquisition of the conventions and conceptual tools of graphic language, along the path
aware of putting the design idea into shape.
The geometric medium of technical drawing. The affine basic model underlying all the graphic representations of space. Origin and evolution of the methods of representation. The different interpretations of the metric relationships on the basic model: Monge and axonometric models. The graphic-descriptive and “visual” conventions. From sketch to photography. The perspective; the perspective in Monge space and in axonometric models. Topographical surfaces and the method of quoted projections; planimetric representations. Surfaces in architecture: their definition and classification.
The representation of architecture, with its morphological, constructive and contextual connotations, to the distinct “scales” of definition and to the various phases of cognitive, critical and design processes. Analogical diagrams and graphic drawings of the architecture project, in compliance with the technical standards of representation (UNI).
Laboratory: Graphic language, infographic language. Origins and evolution of CAD: historical notes; vector drawing bases; setting up the drawing environment; coordinate systems; creation of objects; layer and properties; design changes; text and dimensions; print layout.
Teacher: Lucignano P.
Teaching: General physics
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: FIS / 01
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The objective of the teaching is to introduce the fundamental concepts of classical mechanics and the first concepts of thermodynamics, favoring the phenomenological and methodological aspects. It also provides a conscious operational ability in solving simple exercises.
Kinematics of the material point in one dimension. Scalar and vector quantities; vector operations. Point kinematics in two and three dimensions. The principle of relativity. Newton’s first law: the principle of inertia. Newton’s second law. Newton’s third law: the principle of action and reaction. Momentum; impulse of a force; moment of a force and angular momentum. Strength weight; the motion of the bullets; the binding reactions; motion along an inclined plane; the simple pendulum. The fundamental interactions of nature (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak). Empirical classification of forces and their dynamic effects: sliding friction force; elastic force; viscous friction force. Non-inertial reference systems and fictitious forces. Work of a force; the kinetic energy theorem; conservative force fields and potential energy; the mechanical energy conservation theorem. Kepler’s laws and the law of universal gravitation. Dynamics of systems of material points: cardinal equations; center of mass; conservation laws of momentum and angular momentum; reference system of the center of mass and Konig’s theorems. Static equilibrium of a rigid body; equivalent systems of forces; center of gravity. Elements of dynamics of rigid bodies. Elements of fluid statics. Temperature and heat. The perfect gas. Joule’s experience. The first law of thermodynamics.
Teacher: Durante N.
Teaching: Geometry
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: MAT / 03
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The objective of this module is, on the one hand, to accustom the student to face formal problems using adequate tools and a correct language and, on the other, to solve specific problems of a mainly geometric, and partly algebraic type, with the classical tools of linear algebra. aware of shaping the project idea.
Applied geometric vectors; equivalence relations and free geometric vectors. Operations on vectors. Algebraic structures. Vector spaces on a field. The standard scalar product in a numerical vector space. Linear dependence, generators, bases, dimension. Subspaces of a vector space. Joining subspaces and direct sums. Grassmann’s Theorem. Linear applications. Core and image. Dimensional equation. Coordinated isomorphism. Endomorphisms. Matrices and determinants. Matrix associated with a transformation. The vector space of matrices. Rank. Square, diagonal, triangular, symmetrical matrices. Product rows by columns. Calculation of determinants: Laplace’s theorem. Calculation of the rank: Hemmed theorem. Binet’s theorem. Systems of linear equations. Rouchè-Capelli and Cramer theorems. Calculation of solutions by the method of determinants. Parametric systems. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and eigenspaces; the characteristic polynomial. Multiplicity of an eigenvalue. Diagonalization of an endomorphism and of a square matrix. The Spectral Theorem. Geometry of the plane. Representation of the line. Incidence and parallelism between lines. Geometric scalar product. Orthogonality. Distances in the plane. Corners. Notes on conics. Space geometry. Representation of the straight line and the plane. Incidence and parallelism between subspaces. Euclidean issues. The representation of architecture, with its morphological, constructive and contextual connotations, to the distinct “scales” of definition and to the various phases of cognitive, critical and design processes. Analogical diagrams and graphic drawings of the architecture project, in compliance with the technical standards of representation (UNI).
Teacher: Buccaro A. + Capano F.
: Buccaro A. + Villari S.
Course: History of architecture I
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): History of Architecture I + Laboratory of History of Architecture I
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 18
Hours of lessons: 80
Practice hours: 40
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide the student, with reference to the time span from the fifteenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century, the indispensable tools for reading architecture, urban centers or areas of historic cities, relating the objects of study to the wider scenario of Italian and European production. During the lessons, discussions of the single periods are proposed, highlighting the spatial, formal, stylistic, typological and construction characteristics of the most significant works; moreover, the most representative schools, currents and authors of the different cultural contexts are illustrated and outlined. The laboratory integrates the official course of lessons, helping to provide the student, with reference to the time span from the fifteenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century, the essential tools for reading architecture, urban centers or areas of historic cities, relating the objects of study to the broader scenario of Italian and European production. These objectives are pursued through classroom exercises and illustrative inspections in Naples, Caserta and Rome.
a) Introduction to the history of architecture and general notions on ancient and medieval architecture; characters and protagonists of the architecture of Humanism and the mature Renaissance; norm and derogation in Mannerism; the sixteenth-century treatises; the principles of Baroque architecture and the birth of the capital city; Late Baroque and Rococo in the early eighteenth century.
b) Elements of the history of the city and Neapolitan and southern architecture from its origins to the eighteenth century.
c) Sources and tools for the history of architecture: bibliographic and archival research methods; urban iconography and historical cartography.
d) Insights into architecture, urban development and historical iconography of European cities between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries;
e) Elements of the history of the city and Neapolitan and southern architecture from its origins to the eighteenth century.
f) Sources and tools for the history of architecture: methods of bibliographic and archival investigation; urban iconography and historical cartography. The representation of architecture, with its morphological, constructive and contextual connotations, to the distinct “scales” of definition and to the various phases of cognitive, critical and design processes. Analogical diagrams and graphic drawings of the architecture project, in compliance with the technical standards of representation (UNI).
Teacher: Caputo D.
Teaching: Materials technology and applied chemistry
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide students with the tools for understanding the triangular relationships that exist between structure, microstructure and macroscopic properties of materials and knowledge relating to production technologies and the degradation, restoration and conservation of building materials .
Structure and properties of materials: solid state of matter. Crystalline materials. Amorphous materials. Inorganic glasses. Polymers and elastomers. Defects in solids. Phase transitions. State diagrams for condensed phases. Isotropic and anisotropic materials. Mechanical properties of materials. Structure-microstructure-macroscopic properties relationships; Metallic materials: iron metallurgy. Fe-C diaphragm. Refining of cast iron. Heat treatments and surface treatments of steels. Degradation and corrosion of ferrous alloys. Non-ferrous metal materials; Stone materials, natural and artificial stone materials. Degradation, restoration and conservation of masonry works of interest in the field of cultural heritage; Glasses: Raw materials, type of glass, properties. Special glasses. Glass ceramics; Binding materials: General information on binders. Lime and plaster. Portland cement: constitution, reactions and hydration products. Cements of mixture. Mortars and concrete: composition, curing, mechanical and rheological properties. Additives. Degradation of concrete. Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. Innovative composite materials with cement matrix; Waters: Classification and chemical-physical properties of water. Aggressive and encrusting waters. Criteria for choosing water for use in the construction industry.
II Year
Teacher: Stendardo L.
Teaching: Architecture and architectural composition I
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Architecture and architectural composition I + Laboratory of
Architecture and architectural composition I
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 14
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course introduces architectural design through the critical analysis of significant buildings; it is intended to provide basic knowledge both on the theoretical aspects and on the tools for setting and controlling architectural design.
The focus will be on those aspects of the design process that are considered indispensable for training students in a reference grid in which to place information and experiences. It is a question of giving logical and transmissible articulation to the reflections on the meaning of the work and to the figurative solutions that accompany it, simultaneously developing the ability to know how to see the correlations between the whole and the parts and between the different scales of the project, the contextuality between the reflection on the functional data and the maturation of the project idea, the need to assume the systems of techniques that preside over construction as an integrated component of the design process. The fundamental issues of the design process will be addressed, starting from the idea of the architectural space and its typological and formal characteristics, also through references to the history of architecture. The student will directly address the themes of the project, practically measuring himself against the theme and the proposed program: the project for a small villa-studio for an artist. The design process will address the verification of the elements of the building, the compositional criteria of the project, the relationship between architecture and place.
Teacher: Giannetti F.
Course: Mathematical analysis II
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: MAT / 05
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide the fundamental concepts, in view of the applications, related both to the differential and integral calculus for real functions of several real variables, and to ordinary differential equations; do acquire conscious operational skills.
Sequences and series of functions in the real field. Real and vector functions of several real variables: limits, continuity and main theorems. Differential calculus for real functions of several real variables: differentiability, fundamental theorems of differential calculus, Taylor’s formula. Relative and absolute extremes: necessary conditions, sufficient conditions. Double and triple integrals of continuous functions on compact sets, reduction and change formulas of variables. Regular curves and surfaces, tangent line and plane, length of a curve and area of a surface. Curvilinear integrals and surface integrals. Differential forms with continuous coefficients and curvilinear integrals of differential forms. Gradient vector fields, irrotational vector fields. Divergence and Stokes’ theorems in the plane and in space. First order differential equations with separable variables, linear differential equations, solution of linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
Teacher: Ausiello G. + D’Angelo G.
Teaching: Technical Architecture I
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Technical Architecture I + Laboratory of Technical Architecture I
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 10
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The objective of the educational module is to provide students with the knowledge, both theoretical and applicative, necessary to understand the design and construction of the equipment of the complex building system.
Building system as a set of complex sub-systems: factory elements, construction elements, components, basic materials. Requirements and performance of the factory elements (bearing structure above ground; foundation structure; first walk; intermediate support; coverage; area closure; vertical connection; internal partition; systems; finishing elements). Analysis of the relationship between architecture and technique through the study of emblematic cases.
Teacher: D’Agostino P.
Course: Architectural Design II
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 17
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 40
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide the ability to control problems relating to representation both as a reading and as an elaboration of complex organisms and their related environmental, urban and territorial contexts. We then proceed from basic theoretical knowledge to traditional graphic processing, up to multimedia applications.
Representation theory and techniques. Relationship between drawing and the process of approaching the shape of the object: Drawing as a design process. Relationship between the project representation techniques and the needs posed by space organization processes, in relation to the forms, structures and different operational scales (from the context, to the building, to the construction detail). Descriptive drawings of complex building organisms, building types. Interventions at various scales in metropolitan and / or historically stratified urban contexts: descriptions, analyzes and assessments of the state. Guided reading of the territory. Analysis, selection, data acquisition, computer storage, data processing and multimedia techniques for presentation, critical analysis and design themes.
Teacher: Marasco A.
Teaching: Rational mechanics
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: MAT / 07
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The course aims to present the mathematical foundations of mechanics and the models of elementary systems and to develop typical engineering methods for the correct analysis of simple equilibrium and evolution problems.
Properties of the momentum of a vector field, equivalence of vector fields, central axis, center of a field of parallel vectors. Center of gravity and moments of inertia; inertia tensor and properties of the principal axes; Culmann ellipse, antipolarity and central core of inertia. Kinematic transformations and rigid motions. Elementary rigid displacement. Constraints, degree of freedom and Lagrangian coordinates, with applications to planar articulated systems. General laws of dynamics, balance equations and differential models. Applications to some simple solids dynamics problems. Work, potential and energy. Cardinal equations of statics with applications to the equilibrium problem and to the calculation of constraint reactions. Lagrangian formulation of equilibrium and the principle of virtual works. Applications to the statics of articulated systems, in particular flat trusses; node method and Ritter method for calculating internal support reactions.
Lecturer: Maglio A.
Course: History of architecture II
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 18
Hours of lessons: 80
Practice hours: 40
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide the student with the indispensable tools for reading and understanding individual architectural episodes and urban fragments, also in relation to wider contexts on a territorial scale. Through the analysis of the changes in the architectural and urban culture from the 18th century to the present, we want to provide a significant picture at national and international level, proposing a reading from the spatial, formal, typological and structural points of view for the works of the different periods. and technological. The most representative schools, currents and authors of the various cultural contexts are therefore illustrated and outlined.
Program: in sequence with the program of the first exam in the history of architecture, assuming the mid-eighteenth century as the starting point for the contemporary age, the course focuses in particular on the events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: in both national and European, the cultural changes of the nineteenth century are related to decisive themes, such as the birth of eclecticism, the tradition of travel to Italy, the growth of the city and technological innovation; of the twentieth century, in its heterogeneity of socio-political contexts, decisive moments such as Art Nouveau and European rationalism, post-war reconstruction, reactions to the International Style and more recent phenomena, from High Tech to Deconstructivism, are analyzed. Particular importance is attributed to the figure of the engineer in the Italian and European panorama, from the moment of his birth, through a reading of the nineteenth-century “engineering” tradition and the legacy left to the following century. The Neapolitan area is outlined – also through inspections – focusing on some decisive seasons between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the neoclassical city, the Restoration, the Fascist period, the reconstruction and the second half of the twentieth century.
III Year
Teacher: Bruni F.
Teaching: Architecture and architectural composition II
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Architecture and architectural composition II + Laboratory of Architecture and architectural composition II
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 14
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to acquire and develop knowledge relating to the theory, technique and tools of architectural design in the encounter between the urban scale and the building scale. Through the critical analysis of significant cases, it is intended to obtain an in-depth cognitive framework of the fundamental issues of the urban project both from a theoretical point of view and from that of the practical use of setting and verification tools. Development of design skills on the underlying themes, in the contemporary city, by the relationship between architectural artefacts and public spaces open to them connected to the different scales of intervention.
Relationship between plan and project in the processes of modification of the contemporary city. The temporal dimension of the urban project. Complete parts, unfinished parts, permanence and transformations, morphological structure and functional organization. The relationship between the different scales of the urban project. The variable relationship between urban morphology and building typology. The dialectic between the basic fabric and emergencies. Identity and project of collective places. Monuments, nodes and minor spaces. The most emblematic experiences of design and / or construction of European residential districts in the twentieth century will be retraced, the themes of the ‘completion’ of the city and its parts through examples made in Europe in the last twenty-five years, and related themes and issues, even today, in the urban suburbs. Particular emphasis will be placed on the definition of a critical ‘glossary’ of the ‘terms’ of the urban project. To develop in the students the idea of architecture understood as an environmental event, attention will be drawn to the problem of the relationships that the building establishes with the context in which it is located. The concepts of building typology and urban morphology and their relationships will be at the center of the reflection and design experimentation will concern both individual architectural artifacts and the open spaces connected to them, developing a complete design experience at the different scales of intervention. The scales of the project will range from 1: 1000 to 1:50.
Lecturer: Del Giudice V.+ Torrieri F.
Teaching: Economics and civil valuation
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 22
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
Insights into the principles of microeconomic theory, as well as the criteria and methods of urban estimation. The course aims to provide the methodological tools to allow all evaluations of the planning and construction of real estate in the civil and infrastructure field.
The basic parts of the exam program are summarized below: The demand of the building market – Morphology and evolutionary aspects of contemporary markets – The economic analysis of space – The economy of the territory in urban planning activities – The analysis of settlement costs – The economic aspects of building production – The evaluation of real estate investments – Production localization models – Reference urban regulations and economic evaluation of building and urban planning projects – The analysis of value in the urban planning economy.
Teacher: Fraldi M.+ Palumbo S.
Teaching: Construction science
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
A model is developed that interprets the mechanical-analytical behavior of materials and structural members based on continuum mechanics. The goal that is achieved is to guide the student from the principles of rational mechanics to the structural applications of construction science and technology.
Deformations-tensions-elasticity. Mechanics of the deformable solid. Deformation analysis. Voltage analysis. Principle of virtual works for deformable systems. Elasticity theory. Linear isotropic elasticity. The problem of elastic equilibrium. The crisis of the material. The resistance criteria. The beam. The second beam of Saint Venant. The characteristics of the solicitation. The six cases of simple stress: Axial stress. Straight flexion. Pressure bending and stress bending. Twist. Cutting and bending. Strength checks for beams. Elements of stability of equilibrium. Statics of rigid beam systems. Internal and external constraints and their equations. Analysis of elastic beam systems.
Teacher: Riccio G.
Teaching: Environmental technical physics
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The purpose of the course is to provide students with the skills for: analyzing systems and processes in the presence of energy transformations and / or energy transfer; setting up and solving problems of heat exchange and environmental conditioning for civil buildings; proposing solutions for humidity control in masonry.
Thermodynamics of states: main thermodynamic properties of pure substances and mixtures; plans and thermodynamic transformations. Mass balance equations, energy and entropy for closed and open systems: first and second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic analysis of energy conversion: direct and reverse Carnot cycle. Components of plants for energy conversion. Conduction: Fourier’s law, temperature field and heat exchange in one-dimensional steady state; running in a non-stationary regime (elementary cases). Irradiation: basic definitions, black and gray body models, view factors, heat exchange in cavities for simple geometries. Convection: motion regimes; boundary layer; correlations for the calculation of the heat exchange coefficient for natural and forced convection. Properties of humid air (relative and specific humidity, specific volume, dew and adiabatic saturation temperature, specific enthalpy), psychrometric diagram, elementary transformations (heating, simple cooling, cooling with dehumidification, humidification, adiabatic mixing). Steam condensation in building components. Causes of the presence of water in structures, methodology for assessing surface condensation phenomena, vapor diffusion, permeability of a structure to vapor, methodology for assessing interstitial condensation phenomena, correction interventions.
Lecturer: D’Auria S.
Course: Survey of Architecture and the Urban Environment
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Architecture and Urban Environment Survey + Architecture and Urban Environment Survey Laboratory
CFU: 6 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 17
Hours of lessons: Architecture and Urban Environment Survey 60%;
Hours of practice: Survey of Architecture and the Urban Environment 40%;
Laboratory: 100%
Educational objectives:
The course aims to deepen and consolidate the knowledge underlying the understanding of the built space, to acquire the current methodologies of architectural and urban survey, developing adequate and updated critical and communication methods, aimed at the technical use and the project.
Skills expected
The student engineer-architect must be able to critically implement methodological and operational choices aimed at the knowledge of the artefact or urban piece investigated, prefiguring coherent design choices., And mastering the most up-to-date digital techniques and technologies, both in the acquisition data than in digital communication.
The visual perception and graphic description of the architecture and the environment.
The study sketches: proportions, relationship between object and context, graphic techniques
Recalls of perspective
The cartographic representation.
The survey as an integrated project: methods, tools, in relation to the theme, purposes and scale:
The documentation for the survey and the documentation of the survey: acquisition of metric data;
the concept of analysis; decomposition and recomposition of the constituent elements.
• Photography and survey .;
• direct and indirect survey. Methods and tools
Data management and graphic and infographics rendering:
• Organization and synthesis of collected data and documents;
• basic, thematic works (of degradation, of color …);
• conventional systems of representation;
• graphic communication of a technical nature through models.
During the laboratory activities, in close correlation with the theoretical and practical activities of the Architecture and Urban Environment Survey module, the student will have to apply, in a real context, a coherent methodology, arriving at the return of the acquired data and development of models aimed at the design intervention.
Teacher: Gargiulo C.
Teaching: Government of Urban and Territorial Transformations
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Government of Urban and Territorial Transformations + Laboratory of Governance of Urban and Territorial Transformations
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 20
Hours of lessons: 90;
Hours of practice: 30;
Laboratory hours: 60;
Educational objectives:
Provide the theoretical-methodological premises for the study of the city and the processes of urban and territorial transformation by adopting a systemic approach. Insights on the issues of compatibility between human activities and natural resources, vulnerability and mobility. The Laboratory provides for the application, in a GIS environment, of the acquired knowledge to a study area.
The city as a system: a multidimensional approach – Urban System and Complexity – Urban System and Sustainable Development – Urban System and Mobility – Urban System and Vulnerability – Urban System and Performance Paradigm – From Planning to Governance of Urban Transformations – Governance of Urban Transformations as cyclical process – The phases of the process: knowledge, interpretation, decision, action – New technologies for the governance of territorial transformations: GIS
IV Year
Teacher: Viola F. + Petillo F.
Teaching: Architecture and architectural composition III
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Architecture and architectural composition III + Laboratory of Architecture and architectural composition III
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 14
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The aim of the course is the acquisition and development of knowledge relating to the theory, technique and tools of architectural design of complex buildings in relation to the functional program and the articulation of spaces. Through the critical analysis of significant cases, it is intended to arrive at an in-depth cognitive framework of the fundamental issues of this thematic area of the architectural project both from the theoretical point of view and from that of the practical use of setting and verification tools.
In order to develop in the students the ability to deal with the architectural design of complex buildings, attention will be drawn to historically emblematic cases, while, from a synchronic point of view, recent experiences in different geographical contexts will be examined with reference also to the relationships that the building it establishes with the context in which it is placed. The theme of the year will consist of the project of a complex building, both in relation to the functional program (with the presence of various public and private activities) and to the articulation of the different spaces (small, large, open, closed, unique, serial, etc.) constituting the building and its extensions in the context in which it is placed both for the construction and plant components which must be seen as closely integrated aspects of the entire design process. The design experience will be developed at the different intervention scales, addressing in particular the scales from 1: 200 to 1: 1.
Teacher: La Rocca R. A.
Teaching: Urban planning technique
Module (where present, subdivision into modules):
CFU: 12
SSD: ICAR / 20
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The lectures provide information on the techniques for defining and managing territorial transformation interventions; the exercises are aimed at drawing up plans on an urban scale; the laboratory applies urban planning techniques through elementary design elaborations.
Purpose and characteristics of planning. The development of the territory – Space as a resource – The plan as a tool for rationalizing the use of space and as a management process. The evolution of the discipline of the territory. Town planning legislation – National and regional competences – Levels of plans – Territorial, municipal and executive plans – Special legislation of the territory: protection of cultural heritage. Cognitive analysis of the territory. Morphological survey – History of settlement evolution – Demographic and socio-economic surveys – Technological and production surveys – Functional and qualitative classification of the territory – Urban planning and regulatory constraints. Proportioning of the plan. Objectives and reference models – Communication and transport networks – Civil service networks – Settlement capacities and service levels. Composition and regulations of the plan. The elements of the composition – The zoning and networks – The Indices and parameters – The implementation tools.
Teacher: Pugliese F.
Teaching: Hydraulic construction
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 02
Hours of lessons: 80
Practice hours: 40
Educational objectives:
During the course, the schemes for the use of water resources are introduced; the role of hydraulic infrastructures at the service of urban communities is analyzed; the main features and works, the methodologies for the sizing of the various works are illustrated; management problems are addressed. Finally, the informative criteria are provided for the choice and design of interventions for the defense of the urban territory from floods.
The integrated water cycle. Drinking water quality criteria; water needs and supplies. Aqueducts: dimensioning of adduction works and tanks. Water networks: sizing and verification of pipes and artifacts. Urban drainage networks: sizing and verification of pipelines and artifacts. Elements of hydraulic defense of the territory: legislative framework; basin plan; notes on the problems of hydraulic protection of the territory and on non-structural and structural interventions (active and passive). Use of naturalistic engineering techniques for the purpose of hydraulic arrangement of the riverbeds and water courses that flow into the urban area.
Teacher: Formisano A. + Fiorino L.
Teaching: Construction techniques
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Construction technique + Construction technique laboratory
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course provides the basic elements relating to structural safety, the structural characteristics of building materials and the structural analysis of one-dimensional elements. In addition, it provides the student with the ability to size and verify, according to the methodologies accredited by current technical regulations, the main structural elements constituting the simplest and most widespread structural building types.
Materials and structural safety: concrete, steel, composites; mechanical properties; viscosity and shrinkage. Structural safety and project requirements. Project actions and mechanical characteristics of the materials to be used in the project. Elementary behavior of elementary schemes: beams, arches, continuous beams, flat frames and spatial structures. Structural analysis of one-dimensional elements: matrix analysis of one-dimensional structures, solution of framed schemes, use of structural analysis programs. Applications on personal computers. Notes on the behavior, analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures: materials, technology, with reference to structural aspects, sizing principles and regulations. Design applications on simple structural elements in reinforced concrete: floors, frames, plinths and foundation beams. Notes on the behavior, analysis and design of steel structures: materials, technology, with reference to structural aspects, sizing principles and regulations. Notes on the behavior, analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures: materials, technology, with reference to structural aspects, sizing principles and regulations. Analysis of framed and braced schemes. Behavior, analysis and design of the connections.
Teaching: Law and anthropology
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Notions of building and urban planning law
ECTS: 6 + 3
SSD: IUS / 10
Hours of lessons: 40
Practice hours: 40
Educational objectives:
The purpose of the course is to provide the future technical professional, with a predominantly operational focus, with the essential technical-legal tools to solve concrete problems that may arise in professional activity.
Introductory concepts. The goods; public and private goods. The property: content and extension; ways of purchasing; limits; immissions; distances between buildings. Limits in the public interest: conformed property and restricted property. Expropriation for public utility: procedure and determination of compensation. Other real rights: surface; usufruct; use; home; servitude. Communion and condominium. Possession and effects.
Contracts of particular interest to the engineer: procurement, procurement and concession of public works in the light of recent legislative reforms. Safety at work.
The technical professional: skills and professional organization; professional responsibilities.
The evolution of legislation, current problems and new trends in urban planning.
The planning of direction: territorial plans of regional and provincial coordination; plans for industrial development areas; landscape plans; basin plans; parks and protected areas. Municipal planning. The general plan: zoning; localizations of public works. Implementation and sector planning.
Building interventions: Authorization titles (building permit; business start-up report); release procedure and effectiveness. The new T.U. on construction. The penalties for building abuses.
Teacher: Polverino F. + Sicignano C.
Teaching: Building Design and Plant Systems
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Building Design
and Plant Systems + Building Design and Plant Systems Laboratory
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 10
Hours of lessons: Building Design and Plant Systems 80%;
Hours of practice: Building Design and Plant Systems 20%;
Laboratory: 100%
Educational objectives:
The course aims to deepen and consolidate knowledge for the correct understanding of building organisms in relation to the construction techniques that underlie them, with particular regard to the problems of safety and fire prevention, and to the plant systems that affect and characterize the levels of functionality of the buildings.
The student must be able to deal with the complexity of the constructions already from the technical feasibility phase in the belief that form, function and systems constitute an inseparable unicum for the design definition of the architectural and building organism.
Elements for the project and construction techniques for building and architecture (steel, copper, glass, wood);
Fire prevention in buildings: regulations, chemical-physical aspects of combustion, extinguishing substances, active and passive protection measures, fire load, fire prevention procedures and risk assessment, vertical rules, elements for the engineering approach to prevention fires.
Plant systems in buildings: typological aspects, components and networks; the water supply, waste water disposal, people lifting, electrical and special, gas, air conditioning systems are the object of study and in-depth analysis (notes).
V Year – mandatory courses
Teacher: Pagano L.
Teaching: Foundations
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 07
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
Know the theoretical-scientific and methodological-operational aspects of the Mechanics of Soils and Foundations and be able to use them in solving foundation problems.
Shallow and deep foundations and general analysis criteria. Collapse of superficial foundations; triaxial test; clay and undrained strength, sand and drained strength; water table, Archimedes’ thrust and Terzaghi’s principle. Simplified analysis and rigorous methods. Collapse of the poles due to vertical and horizontal actions. Settlement of foundations. Oedometric test and pre-consolidation; filtration and consolidation. Simplified methods for calculating drained and undrained settlement. Constitutive link of Cam-Clay and introduction to advanced analyzes. Soil foundation interaction with the Winkler model. On-site investigations and geotechnical characterization of the subsoil.
Teacher: Nicolella M.
Teaching: Organization of the construction site
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Construction site organization + Construction site organization laboratory
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 11
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims at training a cultural and professional figure capable of planning, programming and controlling the technical and economic actions necessary for the realization of the project choices, rationalizing the production process and the use of economic resources, with particular reference to the protection of health and safety of operators with the development of specialist safety skills both in the design phase and in the execution phase of work on construction sites, to implement and guarantee in the most effective way safety on construction sites and the protection of the health of the workers involved.
The construction process and the production process. Operational planning and execution of building interventions. Control of materials. Construction engineering. Executive techniques, materials and standards. Methodology for the elaboration of the construction operating technique: production schemes – duration programs – division schemes into categories – procedure sheets – work progress plans – diagrams of use of materials – prospects of use of means of work, operators and equipment – budget plan – manufacturing operational plan: diagram, sheet and worksheet – the critical sequence method: extension of the “critical path” method to constructions – activities and events in the building program – chronology and logic of manufacturing – correlations between times of events and activity durations – criticality of activities and marginal values - activities in critical sequences – methodology of critical sequences – models and electronic processing systems in building planning. Installation and operation of site systems and machinery. Provisional works. The regulatory framework for construction works for building and civil engineering works. Economic management of the building order. The accounting of the works. Quality assurance in the production process. The phases of control. The testing of the works. Safety planning on construction sites. The framework law on public works and the main implementing decrees (Calls of Construction Site Organization). The sanctioning discipline and inspection procedures. Risks of falling from above. Scaffolding and provisional works. The safe organization of the construction site. The work schedule. Documentary obligations on the part of clients, companies, safety coordinators. Electrical risk and protection against atmospheric discharges. The risk in excavations, demolitions, underground and tunnel works. The risks associated with the use of machinery and work equipment with particular reference to lifting and transport equipment. Chemical risks on site. Physical risks: noise, vibrations, microclimate, lighting. The risks associated with asbestos remediation. Biological risks. Risks from manual handling of loads. The risks of fire and explosion. Risks in the assembly and disassembly of prefabricated elements. Personal protective equipment and safety signs. The minimum contents of the safety and coordination plan, the work dossier, the substitute safety plan, the operational safety plan and the single interference risk assessment document. The methodological criteria for:
a) the development of the safety and coordination plan and integration with the operational safety plans and the file;
b) the development of the operational safety plan;
c) the preparation of the file;
d) the processing of the P.I.M.U.S. Scaffolding assembly, use, disassembly;
e) the estimation of safety costs. Relations with the client, the designers, the construction management, the workers’ representatives for safety. Simulation of the role of the Safety Coordinator in the execution phase. In-depth seminars on safety in mobile construction sites.
Teacher: Amore R. + De Martino G.
Teaching: Architectural restoration
Module (where present, subdivision into modules): Architectural Restoration + Architectural Restoration Laboratory
CFU: 9 + 3
SSD: ICAR / 19
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Workshop hours: 60
Educational objectives:
Starting from the knowledge of the evolution of architectural restoration in its historical-critical aspects, the course aims to transfer to students a methodology for the design of architectural restoration in its phases of analysis, diagnosis, design hypothesis and verification.
The relationship with the pre-existing structures in the classical age. The reuse of the ancient in the Middle Ages. The architects of the Renaissance and pre-existing buildings. Interventions on ancient factories in the Baroque period. Restoration and protection in the neoclassical period. Restoration and medievalism in the nineteenth century. The birth of the modern concept of restoration. The contribution of E.E. Viollet-le-Duc. Restoration in the English world: J. Ruskin and W. Morris. The restoration in post-unification Italy and the critical fortune of E.E. Violletle-Duc: F. Travaglini, C. Boito, L. Beltrami. Restoration in Italy between the two wars: G. Giovannoni and G. Chierici. Problems of architectural and urban reconstruction following the Second World War. The theories of restoration from the Athens Charter of 1931 to the Venice Charter of 1964. The thought of R. Pane and C. Brandi. The restoration in the current theoretical orientations: the concepts of minimum intervention, reversibility / repairability, compatibility and durability of materials. Historical, aesthetic and psychological instance in the restoration. Some theoretical issues: respect for authenticity, the treatment of gaps, the relationship between permanence and transformation. The evolution of the object and the concept of protection from the single monument, to the environment, to the landscape. The theme of the old-new meeting: Italian and European experiences. The “Papers” of the restoration. The protection of Architectural and Landscape Heritage in the laws in force. The methodology of architectural restoration design. The survey for restoration, traditional construction materials and techniques, diagnosis of decay and instability, techniques and consolidation of the masonry structures. Non-destructive tests and diagnostic methods. Conservation of architectural surfaces. Problems related to the refurbishment of the restored building.
V Year – free choice courses (max 18 CFU + 3 CFU apart)
Teacher: Coppola M.
Teaching: Advanced Digital Design (old Architecture and architectural composition IV)
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 14
Hours of lessons: 72
Practice hours: 72
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide students with the ability to project their own knowledge of architectural composition into a current dimension characterized by the digital revolution and the challenge of complexity, measuring the project with the urgencies posed by the environmental crisis. The course therefore focuses on the ability to relate in a reactive and adaptive way, using the tools of digital design and digital fabrication, linguistic, morphological, material and technological choices to the specific conditions of the urban / natural context, facing the ecological crisis not only from the point of view of an extended meaning of sustainability (regenerative design) but also in the perspective of a transformation of languages, spaces and architectural figures, taking up the cultural challenge launched by post-anthropocentric philosophies and exploring new expressive avenues.
1 – Space and metaphor
Many interpretations are proposed, the profound, even contradictory aspects of which are discussed, connected to specific cultural paradigms, with particular reference to the theory of complexity by E. Morin and the post-anthropocentric critique of R. Braidotti, highlighting the link with the issues specific to the architectural project. Some uses of three-dimensional modeling software are explored, relating the design to the needs that have emerged in recent decades and to the new construction possibilities offered by digital fabrication.
2 – Memory and mutations
Some contemporary architectures that deal with the topics of the course are illustrated and read in depth, deepening their characteristics relating to the linguistic / figural mutations produced by urban issues (architecture that relates to the city), energy-environmental (architecture that relates to the city), related to natural resources), psycho-somatic (architecture that relates to human perception), symbolic and evocative (architecture that relates to collective memory), and related to biodiversity (architecture that relates to the biosphere) . Students experience the new technical and expressive possibilities made possible by the tools of digital design.
3 – From the network to the project
Through the reading of numerous case studies, the creative process underlying a reactive, adaptive, elastic, relational design is illustrated; that is, capable of interacting simultaneously with the different characteristics of the context. Through the support of digital morphogenetic tools, the morphological / spatial reading of the project area is intertwined with the study of environmental characteristics (wind, sun, biomass, etc.), with the needs related to metro / megalopolitan operation and with the perceptive reactions produced by each stage of progress of the project, whose shape and structure emerge as a temporary result of a circular morphing, full of recourses, redundancies and “lateral discards”. Students develop the initial volume (massing) of the year’s theme.
4 – The architectural body
The design is broken down, facilitating understanding and supporting the elaboration of the exercise which will then become a subject for examination. Massing, observed as a hybrid-intertwining between architecture and landscape, nature and artifice, is first read as a device capable of taking root in its own context, then as a device capable of opening up, establishing a continuity with between interior / exterior, and then as body capable of receding or extending. Also in this case, numerous case studies are proposed and the students carry on the work of defining the year’s theme.
5 – Structure, activities and mediation
Architectures are also illustrated previously, this time highlighting the indissoluble bond that holds together the architectural figure, the conformation of the internal spaces dedicated to the activities, the mediation space between the activities themselves and the structure. The project being developed is further defined through the study of the structural typology and the chosen material. The elaboration starts from the awareness of the energy issues related to building materials (cost, gray energy, assembly, decommissioning, etc.) and proceeds through constant interaction with the needs of the interior space and with the general character to which the project aspires.
6 – The skin of architecture
The architectural envelope is read as a “skin” capable of adapting to climatic conditions, favoring passive or low-energy bioclimatic processes. The issue is tackled simultaneously with the problems relating to perception and the consequent linguistic transformation of recent decades, favoring patterns based on differentiated systems, using the architectural envelope also as a device capable of hosting other forms of life (animals and plants) as well as producing power. Students define the envelope of the year’s theme through the use of parametric modeling tools.
Teacher: Stendardo L.
Teaching: Smart Urban Design
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: Icar/14
Hours of lessons: 48
Practice hours: (to be defined)
Educational objectives:
This course aims at acquiring in-depth knowledge as well as at developing advanced skills in the field of architectural and urban design, with a special focus on the interactions with the topic of smart mobility. The course will be carried out in a close synergy with other courses in the field of Engineering. Urban Design and Transportation Engineering, as well as other disciplines, will thus cooperate to implement a transdisciplinary workshop on a site-specific design topic. The course is open and addressed to students attending different M/Arch and M/Eng programmes, including Building Engineering and Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering and many others.
Students are not expected, nor required, to reach any individual advanced level in disciplines outside their own major field of interest, but to develop the highest grade of interaction with different proficiencies and to optimise their specific knowledge and skills in the framework of the objectives shared by the design team.
The course is conceived as a design studio and organised as a workshop carried out by one or more (depending on the number of students) trans-disciplinary design teams who will focus on a site-specific and problem specific design topic.
Transversal skills, such as team working, problem solving, point-of-view flipping, brainstorming participation, creative thinking, critical thinking, are required and will be boosted.
Students will deal with the issue of urban transformations with reference to ongoing changes in the field of urban mobility, with a focus on highly multimodal transportation systems conceived in the framework of a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) approach and with a special reference to CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility).
Special focuses will be developed on last-mile logistics and on vehicle-to-grid approaches. These issued will be dealt with, in order to re-organise and re-shape the public space in the contemporary city.
The issue of urban transformations with reference to mobility will obviously be considered with reference to Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, such as, above all, SDG 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” as well as SDGs 10 and 5 since endowing public space with multimodal, safe, user-friendly and green mobility services, as well as improving road safety, means taking care of “those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons”, and thus help to reduce all sorts of inequalities.
As far as case studies are concerned, the course will focus on a specific urban area which will be chosen on the basis of its strategic significance with reference to existing transportation systems and to specific issues to solve. Original and ground-breaking design solution will be forwarded, carried out and assessed. The course will thus produce pilot scenarios for the sustainable transformation of critical urban areas.
Teaching: Infrastructure architecture
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 14
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The aim of the course is to provide disciplinary elements, methods and techniques suitable for the complete mastery of design tools in relation to emerging themes in an era in which most engineering works consistently modify landscapes and cities with considerable indifference to the morphology of places and contexts. Complex engineering projects today represent central themes and of particular problematic relevance. The infrastructures and architectural artifacts connected to them, the systems related to the repair and maintenance of the environment are pre-eminent materials for the transformations of cities and the territory. The critical horizon underlying the course tends to initially embrace complex topics within a synthetic look to reduce them only later to their simple components. It is a point of view that finds reference examples in the nineteenth-century representations of the infrastructures of the territory that showed them as real landscape architectures and an interpretation of the project capable of producing quality in the architecture of the territory.
The course analyzes the aesthetics of the territory and the built environment and the role of architectural design in the restoration of territorial and environmental degradation; the notion of “place” and the relationship between architecture and natural context, natural landscape and urban landscape are evaluated. The design experience will focus on issues related to this field of application.
Teacher: Romano R.
Teaching: Architectural Acoustics and Construction
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course is aimed at providing the student with the basic knowledge for the creation of acoustic comfort conditions in confined spaces according to the intended use. Therefore, aspects related to both the control and evaluation of sound quality and the strategies for improving sound insulation will be investigated.
Definitions and fundamentals: Sound field in the air and its description, elementary sound fields, elements of signal analysis, deterministic signals and random signals; representation of a signal in the time domain and in the frequency domain; remarkable sound levels, combination of sound levels, physical phenomena connected with the propagation of sound, hints of physiology of the human ear, elements of psychoacoustics, sound measurement. Sound-absorbing materials and systems: Definition of absorption coefficient, porous materials, properties of porous materials, porous sound-absorbing systems, sound-absorbing systems for membrane resonance, sound-absorbing systems for resonance of cavities, air absorption. Sound propagation in closed environments: Elements of modal theory, perfectly diffused sound field, statistical-energetic theory, definition of reverberation time, formulas for calculating the reverberation time, geometric theory, hints on image and ray tracing methods sound. Sound propagation through walls and panels: Flexural waves in a thin panel, coincidence effect, soundproofing power, acoustic insulation between rooms, law of mass, practical evaluation of the soundproofing power of walls and panels, calculation of the soundproofing power of double walls, calculation of the soundproofing power of composite walls, systems for controlling the transmission of sound by air and by structural means, outline of the legislation in force in the sector. Applications: Noise assessment and control of technological systems, noise control in air conditioning systems, acoustic criteria for speech intelligibility and for the use of music, examples of metrological surveys, use of application software for the control of noise in air conditioning systems, for the study of the sound field in closed environments, for the evaluation of the passive acoustic requirements of buildings.
Teacher: Fumo M.
Teaching: Building renovation project
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 10
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to set up the project of recovery and functional enhancement of buildings in relation to the resources, the local construction culture, the international standards and recommendations in force and functional needs.
Theoretical approach to the recovery and restoration project: international restoration papers and Italian regulations on the subject. Evolution of the concept of building protection. Analysis tools and methods preliminary to the recovery intervention. Design criteria for maintenance, conservative rehabilitation, building and town planning renovation. The seismic improvement project. The energy improvement project: technical measures and choice of materials.
Teacher: Formisano A.
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Masonry constructions
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 40
Practice hours: 40
Educational objectives:
The objective of the course is the acquisition of the structural conception, design and verification of masonry buildings, new and existing, in seismic areas. Problems related to instability, consolidation and seismic adaptation.
Types of materials; construction features; structural analysis of walls stressed by vertical and horizontal actions (earthquake); calculation methods (RAN method); design of new masonry buildings in seismic areas; verification, consolidation and adaptation of existing buildings in seismic areas; current regulations.
Module (where present subdivision into modules): Historical development of structural typologies and construction techniques
CFU: 3
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 20
Practice hours: 20
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide a historical excursus on the development of science and construction techniques throughout history. The aim is to provide the student with a tool for reading the historical development of structural typologies and methods of analysis for a greater and more aware ability in the field of structural conception and design.
The course traces a historical development of buildings as regards the structural aspects. The structural typologies are therefore seen with reference to their development in different periods: from the Greeks to the Romans; the introduction of the arch and vault; the Middle Ages and the Gothic buildings; the masonry structures in the Renaissance and the Baroque (with the “structural false”) and then to the masonry constructions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A nod to the buildings of the modern era, highlighting both the aspects of continuity with the past and the innovations introduced by the new materials: cast iron, iron and steel, reinforced and prestressed concrete. Particular attention is given to the manuals used to design in the past, to the development of construction techniques and, again, to the evolution of theories in the science of building.
Teacher: Palombo A.
Teaching: Air conditioning systems
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to develop knowledge in relation to the energy efficient design of the building with a view to energy and environmental sustainability. Fundamental knowledge on air conditioning techniques and building energy is provided, highlighting the application aspects. Based on the intended use of the rooms and the energy-economic aspects, the student must be able to choose the system. Therefore, he must know how to design and manage them also on the basis of current regulations.
Humid air and thermohygrometric wellbeing: metabolism, wellbeing assessment, ventilation. Winter thermal loads: thermal loads for dispersion and ventilation, design temperatures, thermal bridges, calculation method. Summer thermal loads: sensitive and latent loads, solar radiation and transmission through glass, transmission through opaque walls, internal and ventilation loads, calculation methods. Heating systems: heat generator, pumps, network, expansion vessel, valves, safety devices. Design of the water distribution network: materials, calculation of pressure drops, sizing. Heat exchange terminals: analysis, sizing and regulation of radiators, fan coils, unit heaters, convectors, radiant panels. Energy saving and energy certification of the building: current legislation and reference standards, degree days, energy recovery and insulation of the building envelope, overall performance of the building-plant system, total primary energy requirement of the building, methods to reduce energy consumption in buildings. Renewable sources applied to construction, solar thermal and photovoltaic: legislation, design, applications. Summer and winter air conditioning systems: sizing and regulation of centralized systems, multi-zone centralized systems, double duct systems, mixed air-water systems, autonomous systems. Design of the air distribution network: intake and return, pressure drops, pressure at the diffusers, sizing of the channels. Refrigeration units and heat pumps. Vapor compression and absorption groups: operation and thermodynamic cycle, thermal energy sources, applications.
Teacher: Mele E.
Teaching: Structures for tall buildings and large roofs
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide the basic elements of the structural behavior and therefore of the design of the typical structures of tall buildings and large roofs also with reference to the structural types used, a design application is developed that analyzes a work of significant architectural interest .
Structural schemes of tall buildings in reinforced concrete and steel. Behavior and modeling of tall building structures. Structural schemes of large roofs in wood, steel and reinforced concrete. Study of the actions of the wind on tall buildings and large roofs. Study of the effects of seismic actions on tall buildings and large roofs. Hints on the control of the structural response through coupled masses and / or dissipators. Structural typologies adopted with reference to the different materials. Elementary behavior and analysis of arch, rope, vault and plate schemes. Classification of flat steel plate structures, their structural behavior and analysis. Technostructures: behavior and analysis. Notes on the applications of structural glass. Development of a design project with particular reference to the structural analysis aspects of a work of significant architectural interest.
Teacher: Fascia F.
Teaching: Technologies for building restoration
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 10
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge, both theoretical and applicative, necessary to develop the recovery project of both ancient buildings with masonry structures and buildings with reinforced concrete and steel structures.
Diagnosis. Filing of the construction elements of the building, with particular regard to the materials used, construction techniques and deterioration. Intervention techniques for the recovery of the factory elements of the building system: Bearing structure above ground; Foundation structure; First footfall; Intermediate support; Coverage; Scope closure; Vertical connection; Internal partition; Installations.
For each factory element, the main recovery techniques are examined, compatible with the original plant, highlighting the requirements and performance.
Teacher: Gargiulo C.
Teaching: Territorial governance tools
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 20
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to train experts capable of promoting, building and managing integrated and complex proposals for intervention in the area. Knowing techniques, methods and tools useful for the integration of special and sector planning, information management for territorial governance.
In-depth study of the methods of implementation of techniques, methods, models and procedures for the formation and management of public decision in the field of intervention programs.
Study of the intervention plans on the territory with particular reference to the “Complex Urban Programs” (Urban redevelopment programs, Urban redevelopment programs and for the sustainable development of the territory, Neighborhood Contracts, …) and the tools of negotiated planning (Territorial Pacts , Integrated Territorial Projects, …).
Forms of participation in investment choices and public-private partnerships.
Border tools for the planning, programming and management of interventions on the territory (in particular: Planning in Risk Areas, Transport Planning, Planning of Protected Areas, Basin Planning, Landscape Planning).
The actors involved in territorial development projects and related “responsibilities”.
The new European programming 2007-2013.
Teacher: Faggiano B.
Teaching: Wooden constructions
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims at acquiring knowledge relating to the mechanical characteristics of wood as a structural material and the corresponding methods of assessing safety, for its use in new structures (both in solid wood and in laminated wood) and in the recovery of historical ones, within the framework of European legislation and recent national legislation.
Wood and materials obtained from wood for use in construction. Solid wood as a structural material: physical and mechanical characteristics. The classification of structural solid wood according to strength and strength classes. Glulam: the production process, mechanical characteristics and resistance classes. The problems of durability and protection. Fire behavior. Verification of section resistance (ultimate limit states). The stability checks of the structural elements. Calculation of deformations (limit states of exercise). Special structural elements in solid wood and laminated wood. The composite beams and pillars. Traditional carpentry connections and modern joints with cylindrical shank metal elements. The structural composition with wooden elements. Existing structures in ancient wood: safety assessment and recovery interventions compatible with conservation needs. The national and European regulatory framework.
Lecturer: Prota A. + Parisi F.
Teaching: Diagnosis and therapy of structural instability
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
Knowledge of structural behavior through the analysis of pathologies in buildings.
Knowledge of the causes of collapse and failure for the purposes of prevention and correct design and execution.
Knowledge of structural therapies in the presence of instability.
Knowledge of Forensic Engineering in civil and criminal proceedings.
Technical legislation. Professional responsibilities. Forensic Engineering (civil and criminal judicial technical consultancy). Structural pathologies (punctual and elementary crises; resistance criteria; crack patterns and their evolution). Semiotics of instability (of masonry, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden structures) due to natural, accidental, exceptional actions, actions of the land, water, time and environment. Diagnosis of collapses and major failures due to human actions. Cognitive investigations on structures. Structural collapse analysis. Controlled demolitions. Progressive collapse. Structural problems related to terrorist actions. Urgent insurance works. Treatment of structural instability and consolidation interventions on masonry, reinforced concrete, steel and wood constructions.
Teacher: Bilotta A.
Teaching: Reinforced concrete buildings
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
SSD: ICAR / 09
Hours of lessons: 60
Practice hours: 60
Educational objectives:
The course aims to guide the student in the structural design of reinforced concrete buildings. in seismic areas in the current regulatory framework.
The structural conception of the building framed in reinforced concrete subject to vertical and horizontal actions. The structural typology with frames and partitions. The Italian and European legislation of the sector. Methods of analysis of plane and spatial frames. The stiffening effect of the tompagnature. The function of the deck. Notes on geometric and mechanical non-linearities. The role of ductility. Slabs and carpentry details (overhangs, holes, depressions, transverse effects). Beams, pillars and partitions. The structures of the staircase. Foundation systems and interaction with elevated structures.
Guided structural design of a framed building in reinforced concrete for residential use in seismic areas, carried out at the executive level and in a methodologically complete form, albeit limited to the most significant structural elements.
Teacher: Bellia L.
Teaching: Lighting technology
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
Hours of lessons: 44
Practice hours: 28
Educational objectives:
The course aims to acquire by the student the basic notions of lighting engineering, the components of lighting systems and their characteristics, as well as the techniques and tools currently used in design practice. The goal is to learn the methodologies and procedures to make design choices that optimize the needs of visual comfort, energy saving and environmental impact. The latest technological innovations and research currently being conducted in the sector will be presented.
The nature of light and its physical characteristics: electromagnetic radiation, the visible field, propagation of radiation in a vacuum, the laws of thermal radiation, the black body, the main radiometric quantities.
Interactions between light and matter. Spectral factors of reflection, transmission and absorption. Global factors. Mirror reflection. specular refraction: Snell’s law. Total reflection.
Photometric quantities: relationship between radiometric and photometric quantities. The spectral factor of visibility in photopic and scotopic vision. The luminous flux. Relationship between luminous flux and energy. The light intensity. The luminance. The illumination. The light emission. The inverse square law of distance and cosine.
The measure of light. Basics of photometry. The characteristics of the measuring instruments. The luxmeter, the luminance meter. The Ulbricht sphere for measuring the luminous flux. Spectroradiometric and spectrophotometric measurements.
The mechanism of vision: notes on the functioning of the human visual system. The adaptation. Visual disturbances. The three-dimensional vision. The chromatic vision. Visual performance: characterizing parameters.
The perception of colors: hints of colorimetry and spectrophotometry. The vision of colors. The trichromatic theory: additive and subtractive synthesis. Grassmann’s laws. The color spaces. The chromatic adaptation models. The measure of color.
The sources of artificial light. Characteristic parameters of the lamps: average life, luminous efficiency, color rendering, color temperature, operating conditions. Incandescent, gas discharge lamps (metal halide, sodium vapor, mercury vapor), LED.
Lighting bodies: construction and performance characteristics. The LOR. The CIE flux code. Photometric characteristics. Energy performance of the lamp-lighting body system.
Natural light: diffused light coming from the celestial vault and direct sunlight. The sky models. Models for assessing the access of natural light in indoor environments. the daylight factor. Dynamic models. Screening and filtering systems for controlling natural light.
Calculation methods for design: simplified methods. The calculation by points. The utilization factor method. The use of calculation software.
Indoor lighting. The UNI EN 12464-1 standard for the lighting of workplaces: parameters to check. The energy performance of indoor lighting systems. The LENI index (Lighting Energy Numeric Indicator). Strategies for achieving reductions in consumption.
Outdoor lighting and street lighting. Street lighting legislation: parameters to check. The energy performance of outdoor lighting systems. Notes on the lighting of the facades of buildings. The lighting of parks and gardens.
Notes on the most recent research in the lighting sector: non-visual effects of light on humans: the impact of light on the circadian rhythm, productivity and mood. Indices for the evaluation of glare from natural light, relations between luminance and brightness, mesopic vision in night environments.
Teacher: Capaldo G.
Teaching: Project Management for Civil Works
Module (where present subdivision into modules):
Hours of lessons: 50
Practice hours: 30
Educational objectives:
Develop the ability to plan and control, according to the dual temporal and economic dimension, projects relating to Civil Works and Infrastructures, through the appropriate and conscious use of Project Management techniques
Introduction to Project Management. The meaning of a project according to the Project Management Institute (PMI). Project Management.
The life cycle of the project. Project Management processes according to PMI.
How did the need to create a Civil Works project arise
Relations between the Company and the Contracting Authority according to national and EU legislation
The various levels of planning: preliminary, final and executive project
The works that make up a project for Civil Works
The start of the project, the implementation of the project plan, the project charter.
The project planning management: the project planning process: the definition of the project purpose, the definition of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), the realization of the WBS, the rules to be respected for the realization of the WBS.
The definition of organizational responsibilities in the implementation of the project: the Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) and the Responsability Assignment Matrix (RAM).
The definition of activities and the estimation of resources. Methods for estimating project resources: Bottom-up methods, Top-down methods, Analogy estimation methods, Parametric estimation methods, Estimation methods based on expert opinion. Comparisons between the different methods and selection criteria.
The project scheduling: the identification of the execution order of the activities and the precedence constraints, the construction of the project network, the project scheduling through the Critical Path Method (CPM), the Gantt chart and its use in the project planning.
Peculiarities of the orders and of the planning and control cycle of the orders in the field of Civil Works and Infrastructures
The construction of the order estimate: the initial offer estimate, the executive estimate, the updated estimate.
The final balance of the contract costs.
Risk Management: identification, analysis and assessment of project risks; identification of risk response actions.
Progress control. The Earned Value method and its applications. The analysis of the deviations. The identification of corrective actions and the reprogramming of activities.
The role of Project Management and the skills required to operate successfully in that role.
International institutes accredited for the certification of Project Manager skills, notes on the process relating to the acquisition of certification.
Lecturer: Prof. Ing. Guido Capaldo
Testimonials and exercises: Eng. Luigi Grosso, Eng. Antonello Volpe
Code: Semester:
Prerequisites / Prerequisites: None
Teaching method: Lectures, exercises, illustration of case studies, illustration of how to use the WinProject software and any laboratory exercises, seminars and expert testimonials
Teaching materials:
Textbook “Project Management: principles, methods and applications to the civil works sector” (by Guido Capaldo and Antonello Volpe), Mac-Graw Hill, 2011
Case studies, exercises and additional teaching materials, published on the teacher website and on the textbook website
Project reports for the development of the Project Management report
Supplementary handouts provided by the teachers
Method of examination:
Discussion of a design project developed as part of the course, relating to a specific type of project for which the student will have to develop and apply the planning and control methodologies illustrated during the course.
Oral interview
For those who pass the exam, the recognition of training credits is required for access to the PMI (Project Management Institute) first level certification.
Teacher: Polverino F.
Teaching: Executive Design of Building Elements
Module (where present subdivision into modules): /
SSD: ICAR / 10
Hours of lessons: 50%;
Practice hours: 50%
Educational objectives:
The course is dedicated to the detailed design of the components that make up the buildings at different scales of complexity (basic, functional construction, factory elements). The approach methodologies are defined with reference to the technical characteristics of the individual elements that make up the parts of the buildings and to the problems of construction and functional compatibility of the technological packages. The purpose of the teaching is to prepare the student to measure himself in project synthesis processes concerning real cases, referring to the aspects of safety, the regulatory frameworks in force, desired levels of performance, stringent project timelines and building production.
The theoretical part and the practical part are deeply correlated and have points of convergence on the one hand in the reading of the built, with recognition of the constituent elements and techniques that underpin the construction phase, on the other in the executive design of parts of the building, with reference to possible construction site activities and the building industry market.
Elements of performance theory;
Technical characterization of the envelope elements;
Technological packages: definition, implementation;
Project limits in relation to the needs of the client and the feasibility and durability of the building and architectural work;
Reading of the building and ex post determination of congruent technical solutions for the realization of the cases examined;
Real executive design of an architectural object complete from an architectural and functional point of view, related technological systems and costs.
The degree thesis, from which the mastery of the topics, the ability to operate autonomously and a good level of communication must emerge, concerns issues related to architectural and / or urban planning and is didactically assisted by a 300-hour design laboratory. Upon completion of the studies, a master’s degree in Building Engineering-Architecture is obtained.
The presentation of the thesis work will take place publicly in front of a Commission of professors, supervisors and non-speakers, set up ad hoc by the Polytechnic School. The student will discuss the content of the final drawings, graphics and calculations, by means of tables and documents in paper format and will be able to support the dissertation with a short presentation in power point.
In the final evaluation, the Commission will acquire the non-binding opinions of the rapporteur, any co-rapporteur and the reviewer; the final judgment will take into account the intrinsic value of the thesis content and the methodological rigor of the same, of the topic dealt with in relation to the didactic-training objectives of the CdS and finally of the candidate’s career.
Given the particular course of study followed by the Building Engineers-Architects and the wealth of knowledge acquired in the field of building design and their conservation and restoration in relation to the environmental and urban context, they can be involved at all levels of project scale, starting from territorial planning, to those of the conception of the architectural idea, of the functional, structural and technological definition of the building work.
Graduates of the CdS in question can also take on decision-making and operational roles in the organization and management of the construction site (construction management, site management, safety coordination assistance, etc.) where, with competence, they know how to interact with institutions and territorial reference bodies and deal with the world of on-site production and that of the construction industry.
During the course of study, the graduate in Building Engineering-Architecture matures broad skills through participation:
a) characterizing didactic-training activities useful for solving recurring technical and architectural problems in the urban, compositional, technological and management of the building process (see Urban Planning Technique I, II; Architecture and Architectural Composition I, II, III ; Technical Architecture I, II; Construction Science; Construction Technique; Law and Anthropology; Economics and Civil Appraisal; Construction Site Organization);
b) training activities in disciplinary areas similar to or supplementary to the basic and characterizing ones of the CdS (Hydraulic Construction; Foundations);
c) to educational activities qualifying thematic in-depth study (chosen by the student) regarding: urban planning (Territory Government Tools) the building / environmental context relationship (Building Acoustics and Architecture, Lighting, Air Conditioning Systems); technological problems (Technical Architecture III, Building Recovery Project, Building Recovery Techniques) and structural problems (Diagnosis and therapy of structural instability; Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Tall Buildings and Large Roofs; Wooden Buildings; Masonry Buildings and their Historical Development ); compositional aspects (Architecture and Architectural Composition IV; Architecture of Infrastructures);
d) additional supplementary teaching activities chosen by the student for the development of knowledge useful for thesis work and postgraduate professional integration;
f) professional training in technical firms, private and public bodies and offices operating in the sector, productive realities of specific interest in the world of architecture and building construction.
The Building Engineer-Architect, a figure of European significance, can find a natural professional outlet, in single or associated form, in all fields of interest in urban planning and territorial planning and design, the latter understood on the one hand as moment of conceptual and material definition of new architectural organisms and building artifacts, simple and with high functional and technological complexity, on the other hand as an operational tool for building recovery, conservation and restoration of organisms subject to protection. Within the construction site he will be able to take on organizational, control and management roles, in the construction industry he will be able to assume roles in the design of construction elements and as a production technician. Finally, there are many outlets in the field of technical consultancy for aspects of law, civil appraisal, environmental sustainability, safety in the workplace, fire prevention.
The course aims at forming a cultural and professional profile as an engineer-architect and holds together the humanistic, scientific and technical training in a didactic path organized organically over five years, without solution of continuity.
The didactic approach, which sees the project as a moment of synthesis, ensures the acquisition of skills and professionalism linked to a constantly evolving reality and, also for this reason, tends to favor innovative pedagogical models.
The achievement of the title allows graduates, among other things, to enroll in the Register of Engineers, the Register of Architects or even both.
Access is limited in accordance with the European Directive which ensures the free movement of graduates throughout the United Europe.
The teaching activity takes place at the Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences complex of the Federico II University of Naples. In addition to frontal teaching, theoretical and practical exercises are carried out as well as design workshops that favor group work and constant teacher-student interaction, also encouraged through tutoring activities.